Old Parkdale Inn

A Hood River Valley Bed and Breakfast


Mt Hood in the distance across a field of balsamroot

By Mary Pellegrini

For spectacular Wildflower hikes we invite you to take a little drive east out of Hood River toward The Dalles where you can pick up a light lunch before crossing the Columbia into Washington. The wildflowers are popping in the Columbia River Gorge and there are always abundant geocaches to be found and hikes to …


By Mary Pellegrini

A hike to the top of Bald Butte is a great choice for an early season hike in the Upper Hood River Valley!  A vibrant show of Mt Hood National Forest wildflowers, Lupine, Balsam Root, Indian Paintbrush will cover the hillside from mid-April through June. The views from the Butte are amazing, overlooking the Hood …

Mt Hood in the distance across a field of balsamroot

By Mary Pellegrini

Wildflowers are beginning to pop up across the landscape in the Hood River Valley and the Columbia River Gorge. Spring wildflower hikes are a Gorge specialty you won’t want to miss, so plan your wildflower weekend now. Pack your hiking boots and your camera. As spring turns into summer, then fall, the upper elevation wildflowers …

By Mary Pellegrini

Catherine Creek is an area of unique natural beauty and great botanical significance. About 20 miles from the Old Parkdale Inn, you’ll find over ninety species of wildflowers in the area, from grass widow, which blankets the ground as early as February, to western ladies’ tresses, which may bloom into July. The Catherine Creek Universal …

Red barn surrounded by spring blossoms with Mt Hood in the background

By Mary Pellegrini

The peach, cherry, apple and pear trees in the Hood River valley explode in a harmony of vibrant pink and white flowers. Starting at lower elevations around the town of Hood River they move in a cascading ripple up the Hood River Valley, creating a patchwork of color. Here in the Upper Hood River Valley …

A skier in deep powder in the trees

By Mary Pellegrini

Spring Ski on Mt. Hood and stay at the Old Parkdale Inn February is going out on a high note at Meadows, where this week's winter storm has dumped 3.5 feet of snow as of Wednesday morning! It has also pushed the year-to-date snow total to well over 300 inches and has made for some …

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